Stuart Hogg included on list of worst divers in rugby, Nigel Owens embarrassed him - Ruck

Stuart Hogg included on list of worst divers in rugby, Nigel Owens embarrassed him

The issue of diving in rugby union has long sparked intense debate and controversy.

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Over the years, numerous players have been accused of exaggerating falls or feigning injuries to gain an advantage, thereby tarnishing their reputations and bringing the sport into disrepute.

This behavior has led to widespread discussions among fans, analysts, and officials about the integrity of the game and the need for stricter regulations.

Despite the efforts to curb this practice, the persistent occurrence of diving continues to challenge the values of sportsmanship and fairness that rugby union strives to uphold.

As per Scrum Recap, these are the games slyest of hounds.

#5. Stuart Hogg

What they said: “He often overdoes the theatricality to the extent that not even the officials will give him a second look.

“Look back to the South Africa vs Scotland game a couple years back when he flung himself into the ‘Beast’ just to be laughed off by players and fans around him.”

Our verdict: Nobody will forget that infamous telling off he got from Nigel Owens against South Africa during the 2015 Rugby World Cup. As the old saying goes, mud sticks., but it’s not a reputation he deserves.

Fan comments: “Tom Daley’s spot in the British Diving team is under threat by Hogg. Excellent call from Owens,”