Brutal compilation of all of Owen Farrell's high tackles goes viral, it's tough viewing - Ruck

Brutal compilation of all of Owen Farrell’s high tackles goes viral, it’s tough viewing

Fans have labelled Owen Farrell as ‘a vampire’after a compilation video of some of his neck-high tackles went viral on social media.

One viewer commented: “The real question is how has he got away with so many of these “tackles”…?”

Another said: “This shows me even tho i dont have a good tackle technique i can still go pro,”

“Is he secretly a day walker vampire? The way he goes for the neck so often?. Enjoyably cringe worthy video,” wrote a third.

A fourth said: “Two highs in 5 seconds. There aren’t many players who could pull that one off.”

Another commented: “Love it. If he cant tackle high or with his shoulder then he cant tackle at all.”

Owen Farrell tackle compilation:

Owen Farrell facts:

  • The Saracens star went to school with England teammate George Ford
  • His education began in rugby league – he joined Wigan St Patricks at the age of eight
  • He became the youngest ever player to appear in English professional rugby, making his debut aged 17 and 11 days. This record was later beaten by schoolmate Ford
  • It’s well known that Owen is the son of Ireland head coach Andy Farrell. However, it’s less commonly know that his uncle Sean O’Loughlin is also a rugby league legend, winning 34 caps for Great Britain between 1993 and 2009
  • He was not at first registered as a Farrell, but took mum Colleen’s family name of O’Loughlin. The couple married in 1995, changing Owen’s surname to Farrell the following year.

Fans have picked an all-time ‘abolute b***ard’ XV of most disliked rugby union players:

It’s pantomime season, and rugby has been just like an ongoing one at times.

There are plenty of heroes but everyone knows that for every hero there needs to be a villain and there are lots of rugby players ready to fill that role.

We all have players we love, or even players we can’t dislike.

Well, on the flip side there are players that just always get your blood boiling, whether rationally or irrationally. 

A user on reddit asked fans to vote for their all-time ‘abolute b***ard’ XV with the results being very interesting.

All-time ‘abolute b***ard’ XV

15 Israel Folau (Tonga)

14 Yoann Huget (France)

– Stamping on players heads

– Gouging another player

-Faking injuries

– Generally being an absolute shithousenull

13 Tana Umaga (New Zealand)

12 Brian Lima (Samoa)

11 Sevu Reece (New Zealand)