England Rugby World Cup winner gets married to long-term partner in stunning ceramony - Page 6 of 13 - Ruck

England Rugby World Cup winner gets married to long-term partner in stunning ceramony

6. Heather Fisher

One of the most inspiring names in Rugby today, Fisher not only boasts achievements on the pitch as a World Cup winner and an Olympian but off the field too. This involves coping with not only anorexia but the effects of having lost all her hair, from head to toe, to a severe form of the autoimmune disorder Alopecia Areata. It’s an honest account full of inspiration.

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Let me take you back… 2010- my first 15s World Cup – approx 4 weeks before leading into the World Cup I was sat in my car post a gym session , ran my hand thu my hair and my hair fell into my hands . The windows were open it was like a dog had malted in my car… this is how I remember my initial hair loss. I didt know what Alopecia was , I didt know it existed … over a few weeks when I woke up in the morning the first place I would look was the pillow… I knew my hair was falling out but I never knew why or what to do. ( this is the short version of the story ) but when I lost my hair it finally got shaved off my a couple of my team mates , my S&C coach and coach at the time … I was so ashamed , embarrassed, I didt feel like I deserved to go out … sounds stupid to you probably but it’s the truth .. who would ever want or accept me with no hair … this bald head that took me years to come to terms with … the only place I had it out was on the pitch. When I was on the pitch no one judged me by my look, it was 4 white lines and a bright white wall of shirts next to me that knew me for me . 10 years on I still struggle but I aim to own it , make it work … does it get me down of course it does … most days . I can honestly say my personality changes most days due to feelings towards how it makes me feel but it will never define me as a person . For all the suffers out there .. take control of it , don’t hide … be proud of who you are with or without your hair . @alopeciauk @lifewalopecia @alopecia_kids . #alopecia #bald #bebrave #bebald #beyou #hair #confidence #courage. 👉🏼https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p07zgb9s

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