"I couldn't read him," - Jonah Lomu revealed the player he hated playing most - Page 4 of 4 - Ruck

“I couldn’t read him,” – Jonah Lomu revealed the player he hated playing most

1. Emile Ntamack (France)

JONAH LOMU SAID: “He’s my toughest opponent for sure,”

“When your taught to defend against someone you’re told to watch his hips because it’s the one place on the body when you’re running that stays in one place,

“The problem with Émile was his whole body shifted, including his hips, meaning when he ran he swayed from side to side so I was always like what the hell am I going to do here. He was also really fleet-footed.”

DID YOU KNOW? His oldest son Romain Ntamack is also a professional rugby union player like his uncle and dad since 2017.