"I was choking" - Italy forward reveals how Ellis Genge saved his life - Ruck

“I was choking” – Italy forward reveals how Ellis Genge saved his life

As he gets ready to step onto the Twickenham pitch representing the World XV against the Barbarians, Seb Negri has recalled when Ellis Genge saved his life.

“The last time I played England I got a head knock,” said Negri, who was writing for Talking Rugby Union.

“I spent four minutes sleeping on the floor and only regained consciousness when I was in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Ellis Genge saved my life when he took out my mouthguard. I was choking.

“So to play at Twickenham again this year, against Ellis, that was pretty emotional and pretty special. That’s why I wanted to trade jerseys with him after that game and why that most recent game against England was an awesome memory that stands out.”

He continued: “That moment in particular has been a big motivator to take on opportunities like the World XV when they come up. It was a really hard couple of weeks, waking up every day with headaches and struggling. It wasn’t easy.

“It puts everything into perspective and makes you realise what’s important in life and what isn’t important and a reminder that rugby isn’t forever. In a blink of an eye, it can be over. That is just reality.

“You start thinking more about your responsibilities to other people. It makes you appreciate what you have had, all the opportunities that you have been given and to make the most of everything that is given to you.

“It has definitely changed my perspective and I feel like I have grown up a bit more after that and matured in a way. As much as it was a scary time for me, my family, my fiancé and my friends, I think it has made me a better person and I have learnt a lot from it.”

“Ego off the scale” – Joe Marler reveals four players he can’t stand

England prop Joe Marler is never afraid of sharing an opinion or two – especially when it’s about someone he doesn’t particularly like.

#1. Gavin Henson

These two have history. Henson was ruled out for a number of weeks in 2016 after Marler clattered the Welsh Prince off the ball.

The England prop was returning to rugby after a troubled 2015-16 season, that prompted the loosehead to take a break from the game in the summer missing England’s historic 3-0 whitewash of the Wallabies Down Under.

A story from Marler’s book shows the ego of Henson in 2005 was off the scale. Being told to hurry up with his hair by his captain Gareth Thomas, the playmaker showed his skipper little respect.H

enson’s reply to Thomas was: “Alf, your mother and father have come to watch you play today, but there are 72,000 out there who have come to watch me.”