Joe Marler's most brutal insult started a 30 man brawl and got the prop banned - Ruck

Joe Marler’s most brutal insult started a 30 man brawl and got the prop banned

In 2022, Harlequins prop Joe Marler received a two-week ban for comments directed at Bristol flanker Jake Heenan during a Premiership match.

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Marler’s remarks, made during a scrum in the first half at The Stoop on Tuesday, reportedly concerned Heenan’s mother and incited a significant melee between the players, resulting in a penalty against the Bristol flanker.

An RFU disciplinary panel imposed a six-week ban on Marler, with four weeks suspended until the end of the 2023-24 season. Additionally, the 32-year-old must give a presentation on the core values of the sport to a local club or school, as well as to a Premiership academy.

“The insulting and offensive comments made by the player were wholly inappropriate; such comments should form no part of the modern game.”

n 2016, Marler received a two-week suspension and was fined £20,000 for calling Wales prop Samson Lee “gypsy boy”, and two years ago he received a 10-week ban for grabbing Wales lock Alun Wyn Jones’ genitals during a Six Nations game.

LIST: Five of the most BRUTAL rugby insults ever said…

Great Rugby Union Insults.

We’ve collected some of the best rugby insults ever.

1. Who are you?

A young player was making his Premiership debut at scrum-half. He was playing against Andy Gomersall. He tried to be funny at the first scrum and said to Gomersall “don’t hurt your back putting the ball in, old man”. He retorted “I would give you some abuse, but I have no idea who the f@*k you are!”
