Nigel Owens calls for major changes to the TMO system, with most fans in agreement - Page 5 of 5 - Ruck

Nigel Owens calls for major changes to the TMO system, with most fans in agreement

#5. Gavin Henson

These two have history. Henson was ruled out for a number of weeks in 2016 after Marler clattered the Welsh Prince off the ball.

The England prop was returning to rugby after a troubled 2015-16 season, that prompted the loosehead to take a break from the game in the summer missing England’s historic 3-0 whitewash of the Wallabies Down Under.

A story from Marler’s book shows the ego of Henson in 2005 was off the scale. Being told to hurry up with his hair by his captain Gareth Thomas, the playmaker showed his skipper little respect.

Henson’s reply to Thomas was: “Alf, your mother and father have come to watch you play today, but there are 72,000 out there who have come to watch me.”

QUIZ: Name every Six Nations player to be sent off since 2000 

G’day rugby aficionados, Steve here, and we’ve got a ripper of a quiz lined up for you today.

We’re delving into the nitty-gritty of Six Nations history, focusing on those moments when the ref brandished a red card and sent players marching off the pitch.

It’s a real head-scratcher, mate! So, grab your favourite brew, cozy up in your lucky armchair, and let’s see if you’ve got the goods to name every Six Nations player who’s been given the old heave-ho since the turn of the century.

This one’s a corker, so let’s get stuck in and separate the true-blue rugby brains from the weekend warriors.

Cheers, and let the quizathon begin!