Rugby World Cup fan bases have been revealed and ranked, England fifth - Page 3 of 5 - Ruck

Rugby World Cup fan bases have been revealed and ranked, England fifth

#5. England 6.15

They said: “They may have created the game, be the only side on the list to have won the World Cup and boast the largest stadium on the list but England’s fans can only scrape a fourth place in our list”

Nigel Slater (no, not that one) from Facebook said: “Twickenham is a ‘place of corporate knobs in chinos, blue shirt and tweed” 

#4. Scotland 7

They said: “Quite simply, no one matches the Celts for rugby and kicking off our top 3 are England’s oldest enemies, the Scots. A spring visit up to the beautifully exquisite Edinburgh is always worth the trip, especially if there just magically happens to be a game rugby going on at Murrayfield on the same weekend.”