Sir Ian McGeechan goes viral after naming the five best rugby players of all-time - Ruck

Sir Ian McGeechan goes viral after naming the five best rugby players of all-time

As someone who coached the Lions on four separate tours (and played on two others), Sir Ian McGeechan is better qualified than most to pick out the best rugby players of all-time.

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A rugby visionary and coaching maestro, McGeechan’s tactical genius and mentorship have left an indelible mark on the sport.

His strategic prowess and deep understanding of the game have earned him legendary status in rugby circles worldwide.

Writing for The Telegraph, the 77-year-old picked his rugby dream team six New Zealanders in his selection along with three Englishmen, two Welshman and one player each from France, Scotland and Ireland.

In his analysis, McGeechan’s top five players, as per his remarks, include a prominent figure from both England and Wales.

#5. Jonah Lomu (New Zealand)

Revered as rugby’s unstoppable force, Lomu was a New Zealand legend whose mere presence struck fear into opponents.

His unmatched blend of size, speed, and skill revolutionised wing play, leaving an indelible mark on the sport.

McGeechan wrote: “Illness and injury ultimately slowed him down.

“But his performances at the 1995 World Cup, just as the game was turning professional, will never be forgotten.

“The game needed a superstar, and it got one in Lomu. He was brilliant for rugby.”