Statement: International star departs Newcastle Falcons with immediate effect - Ruck

Statement: International star departs Newcastle Falcons with immediate effect

Newcastle Falcons centre Matias Orlando has been granted early release from his contract to pursue a new playing opportunity.

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The 32-year-old Argentina international made 45 appearances during his four seasons on Tyneside, scoring four tries.

He leaves with the thanks and best wishes of the club, with chairman of rugby Matt Thompson saying: “Tosti [Orlando] has been a great professional throughout his entire time with us.

“I want to thank him for his contribution on the field and to the Falcons’ environment as a whole.

“He has been a really positive presence around the club and has always been willing to share his vast experience with our players and coaches. He has now got a great opportunity to continue his career elsewhere, and we could not stand in his way in terms of agreeing his release prior to the last two games of our own season.”

Orlando said: “I have really enjoyed making Newcastle my home for the past four seasons, and I will take great memories with me.

“I want to thank the club for everything during my time here, and for allowing me to take up this new opportunity.

“I would also like to thank my team-mates and the staff at Newcastle for making me feel so welcome, and the supporters who have helped make it a really enjoyable four years here.”