Stuart Hogg included on list of worst divers in rugby, Nigel Owens embarrassed him - Page 3 of 3 - Ruck

Stuart Hogg included on list of worst divers in rugby, Nigel Owens embarrassed him

#2. Morgan Parra

What they said: “He’s also a grade A diver. He’s from the Habana and Hoggy school of ‘throwing yourself at a big forward and hoping for the best’ after he hoofs the ball.”

Our verdict: He’s a little s**t. Can’t argue with anything that they said.

#1. Yoann Huget

What they said: “Whether it was from kick chases, tackles that were a fraction out of time, or flailing around in rucks he shouldn’t be involved in, Huget was the crème de la crème of fakers.”

Our verdict: Spot on. The worst of all-time. At the same time, it’s sad that his career was ended by an injury back in February.