Tom Curry has seriously bulked up since 2019 Rugby World Cup final, 12kg of pure muscle - Page 3 of 5 - Ruck

Tom Curry has seriously bulked up since 2019 Rugby World Cup final, 12kg of pure muscle

#3. Kieran Read

Since retiring, the double World Cup-winner has become obsessed with long distance treks and has shifted a lot of that weight to give him the endurance he needs.

He wrote: “Had the pleasure and pain of running 85km in the @oldghostultra yesterday. What an incredible event to be a part of. The whole Old Ghost team and volunteers were amazing, from keeping the vibe and the morale strong (and making sure I didn’t run off from the last aid station at 68km without my poles) and keeping the bottles filled. 

“I shared the track with some champions, not just the ones who were whizzing past me after turning at the halfway point. They all seemed to have inspirational stories to tell and the convos kept me pushing moving forward. Massive kudos to my friends who also ran and smashed it, but more importantly being there to push each other in training and share a laugh afterwards. 

“This race certainly put me out of my comfort zone and into the unknown. When I turned at the halfway stage( the course had to become an out and back because of weather) it was the furthest I had run in training.

“The back half of the race was a slog dealing with an injury and the old brain of yours telling you to either slow down or stop. Super stoked to say I have completed my first in 12 hours 52 minutes. Let me see how the body recovers before I sign up for another one.